Rubber build up on airport runways is a dilemma that faces every airport operator. The more rubber deposits on the runway, the more slippery it gets especially under wet conditions. OMSI offers the technology and expertise to solve this problem in a cost effective and environment-friendly manner.

We employ high-pressure water technology, also known as water jetting, to remove rubber deposits. The application of water for cleaning is very much similar to using a floor scrubber. The only difference is that instead of using brushes a rotating nozzle bar discharges the water jet.

In this system, water is driven through a plunger pump capable of delivering pressures of up to 15,000 PSI, enough to cut steel. The high-pressure water is then released through a hydro mower. The mower’s rotating nozzle bar assures an even application of the water. Thewater jet on impact pulverizes rubber deposits. Residue is then flushed to the side of the runway or vacuum swept. Cleaning rates vary between 200-800 sqm per hour, depending on runway conditions. Water jetting is a fast, cost effective and environment friendly process. There are no expensive chemicals needed and there is no worry of toxic substances that could potentially damage the runway surface. All that is needed is water.